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Nomadic family visit
Nomadic family visit

Nomadic family visit

Dec 07 2019

 Vast bright-red cliffs. Because of the bright orange color of the clay and the way they burned deeply in the sun in the sunset, it owned the name of Flaming Cliffs. The landscape above is almost totally flat desert steppe with water wind erosion exposing the red sedimentary layers below and forming the brightly colored cliffs on its edge. Cliffs are rather high and steep. Walking through cliffs gives you the feeling of silence in middle of nowhere.  Flaming Cliffs is spotted across the wide valley. In the clear air, this was the unique and amazing landscape on an absolutely massive scale. Closer to the north side of the valley, forest of saxual trees covered low sandy hills. The saxual tree is the main Gobi tree – has a 5-10 meter deep root which acquires water from underground. From this forest founded lot of findings used by primitive people who lived forty thousand years ago. 


АНХААРУУЛГА: Та сэтгэгдэл бичихдээ хууль зүйн болон ёс суртахууны хэм хэмжээг хүндэтгэнэ үү. Хэм хэмжээ зөрчсөн сэтгэгдэлийг админ устгах эрхтэй.
Дэлгэрмаа ( 2020-02-14 13:19:53
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